QIAT Video

I viewed the video on the QIAT Indicators by Joy Zabala.  Before viewing this video, I thought QIAT was simply a list serv. However, QIAT is much more than that. QIAT stands for Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology.  The rationale behind QIAT is it is an approach to assure quality of services. It also is a tool to increase consistency of services. QIAT is also a tool to support implementation and IDEA and other legal mandates.

Joy talked about the different indicators of QIAT.  In the consideration of AT needs section, I learned that the need for AT services and devices always needs to be tied to IEP goals and objectives. I also learned that is a common mistake for the IEP team to only consider AT for students with severe disabilities.  In the assessment indicators section, I learned that AT assessments are required to be completed within “reasonable timelines.” The AT assessments also need to be completed in the student’s customary environment.  The indicators for including AT also emphasized the need for AT to contribute to “measurable and observable outcomes”, as outlined in the IEP. I will hold onto these documents to use for future reference in my classroom. They will help remind me of the various things I will need to consider in evaluating the need for AT. They will also help remind me of common errors that are made, which will help me in avoiding those errors in my classroom.


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